{"home_page_title":"Are you looking to buy a LIRP?","home_page_sub_title":"The first step to determining whether a LIRP is right for your situation is to learn all you can - our eBook can show you how to live a Tax-Free Retirement. It's free today.","quiz_page_title":"The eBook is Cool. But...","quiz_page_sub_title":"Find out today how much tax-free income a LIRP can provide in your retirement. \nSimply complete this form and we will design a plan for you in 24-48 hours. \nWe'll design a LIRP plan that's perfect for you! It takes 60 seconds!","agent_name":"Ryan Wood","agent_image":"https:\/\/app.fatagent.com\/user\/image\/5bc77a0fed5b4","agent_phone":"(614) 937-9333","referrer_logo":"https:\/\/app.fatagent.com\/refferer\/logo\/e222cc2dee8e7719a6af1cf5f71b7fd8"}