{"home_page_title":"Get Your Free Infinite Banking eBook Today","home_page_sub_title":"Learn everything about the Infinite Banking process and how it will help you in your life.","quiz_page_title":"Don't Guess. Get An Illustration Today","quiz_page_sub_title":"You need an illustration to know how an Infinite Banking Plan can benefit you. Just complete this form \nand then give us 24 hours to get your illustration designed and emailed to you.","agent_name":"Ryan Wood","agent_image":"https:\/\/app.fatagent.com\/user\/image\/5bc77a0fed5b4","agent_phone":"(614) 937-9333","referrer_logo":"https:\/\/app.fatagent.com\/refferer\/logo\/e222cc2dee8e7719a6af1cf5f71b7fd8"}